I am a anime lover through the process when I recognize the world's diversity.I found the culture of Janpanese with the idea world that can make my coherence improve during my life.

One thing in the world has the beautiful of the philosophy and the laws of the mathmatic.Every piece of the melody has the feeling and carry your memory of your paticular time.

culture around.
Every language you have learn is the essence of one spactacular civilization.

When you have the money and time,the best way to aviod waste is to taste new things to you bravely,which will give you the whole new idea and view that could be used as your next trip's function. interact about favourite If you want to have a try.
Attitude determines your altitude and aptitude.With your postive attitude at first on things your will doing,you will grape every chance you meet.
Collect every experienceSecond
When you contact the new things you have ever taste and made a great difference to you that you must be happy.Pay attention to your feeling's change,that can be affect to your identity.
Be good at using advantage you get Third
Look around yourself,to use every thing you can use when you made a plan.
Be your selfImportant
Don't forget call your body's ask,reasonly arrange your time and money.
What's past is prologue.With hope
crime is common,logic is rare
Veni vidi viciPowerful
Don't be afried to be alone,face it.
Have own viewIndenpendent